Solution 1:
The configuration has not been exported to the cloud.
Go to Settings → Open account and log in → Open configuration → select an already saved configuration → enter the password of the configuration à Press Export to cloud → Then a message appears how many devices have been exported to the cloud. Here, it is important to ensure that the most recent configuration has always been saved.
Solution 2:
When entering the e-mail address, a blank is inserted before or after the e-mail address, this can happen if, for example, the auto-completion is used.
In this case, the entire process must be repeated again to ensure that all entries are subsequently correct. When logging into the BrematicPRO app, check that there is no blank, then export the configuration to the cloud again. Open the Alexa app and deactivate the BrematicPRO skill. If necessary, remove the existing BrematicPRO devices. Then reactivate the BrematicPRO Skill, when entering the email address make sure that there is no blank. When searching for devices, all products that can be controlled via Alexa should be found.